Doja Cat meowing in her interview with Emma Chamberlain at the Met Gala was the best part of the entire evening (next to the cockroach). Her extremely relatable response to being asked the same questions over and over again, and her commitment to the bit was on full display, as her look involved cat-like nose prosthetics and a glittering Oscar De La Renta gown with cat ears attached to the hood.

Fitting with this year’s theme, the look was based on Karl Lagerfeld’s cat, Choupette, a fluffy white Birman.

Emma Chamberlain, who was the one interviewing Doja Cat, was fighting for her life to carry on the interview, as Doja Cat continued meowing. Watching Doja meowing sent me into a mental wormhole thinking about this one time in the Middle Ages when a bunch of nuns in France wouldn’t stop meowing in one of the funniest cases of Mass Hysteria in history.

In the medical text, Epidemics of the Middle Ages(1844), J.FC. Hecker wrote about a group of nuns who wouldn’t stop meowing.

The version translated by Benjamin Babington explains: “I have read in a good medical work that a nun, in a very large convent in France, began to meow like a cat; shortly afterward other nuns also meowed. At last, all the nuns mewed together every day at a certain time for several hours together.” Nobody really knows why the nuns started meowing, but it seems like they were just having a silly fun time, unexplainable to those who weren’t in on the joke, rather than suffering from some kind of illness as researchers have theorized over the years.

Meowing will always be funny, and Doja Cat truly lived up to her name last night.